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Remuneration Committee: How to Attract and Retain Top Talents

April 12, 2024

The remuneration committee on boards plays a pivotal role in designing and overseeing the implementation of an organisation’s compensation and benefits programme, which is critical for attracting and retaining their top talents. Evolving regulations and compliance standards, and rising shareholder activism have already resulted in an adaptation of compensation practices in some jurisdictions, including within emerging markets.

Remuneration committees face an important task of ensuring alignment with the organisation’s long-term strategic goals and objectives, particularly with regards to their ESG agenda. They must address the principle of equity and fairness across different levels in the organisation, while remaining transparent on compensation structures. Moreover, changing workforce dynamics and globalisation demand some level of flexibility and the desire to adapt.

In the roundtable discussion, our panel of speakers with expertise in remuneration practices on boards highlighted how remuneration committees can address some of the key challenges to attracting and retaining top talents.

The video recording for this roundtable discussion can be viewed below.


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